New project '' Disasters" !!!! Team's Work
A class is divided into two teams. A team has to describe a disaster according to the plan:
A class is divided into two teams. A team has to describe a disaster according to the plan:
- definition
- when and where it happened
- what happened
- consequences
- help people need
- if there any ways to avoid a disaster Use different forms of google
- 9A - Team 1
- 9 B - Team 1
- 9 B - Team 2
- 9 B -Team 3
- 9 V- Team 1
- 9 V- Team 2
- 9 V- Team 3
ОтветитьУдалитьElizaveta Mikheeva 9v
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ОтветитьУдалитьАндреянова Мария,Христофорова Полина,Данилова Анна,Ширяева Виктория,Чурляева Анастасия .9А класс.